Thursday, March 7, 2019

How Do You Want to Spend Your Days?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Shafts of sunlight burn through the clouds and touch the Earth. Even the darkest clouds clear away. On those days when things aren’t going well we can know it’s only temporary. And we can know the light is within and always shining.

Sometimes we need the clouds. They tell us something about ourselves, and they give us time to ask ourselves how we want to spend our days. At night they reflect the city lights, turning night into a strange kind of daytime. Awake in the night we reflect on what we want and on what we have. If we can allow gratitude into our hearts the light will begin to burn away the cloudiness.

I sit here and watch the clouds drift by and wish I were more productive this morning. But then I realize even as I drift, I’m learning. And here I am in front of the computer writing these words. Rain or shine we can show up. It’s how we prepare ourselves for more. We build discipline and become good students of life.

Our life is made up of moments like these. Clouds drift, mind drifts, insights come… Each moment shares its secret with us if we are listening. And we listen by showing up for them, which is showing up for ourselves.

Now the sun is shining. The winds of thought blow and the clouds move on.

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