Monday, February 26, 2018

You Already Have All You Need

The title may not seem true to you if you don’t have the money in hand to pay bills now due or a working car or any number of other unmet needs. I understand the frustration. In fact, I’m dealing with it right now. My life is my practice.

I don’t have it all figured out. But I do know that the frustration I feel is not helpful. It’s a result of me thinking I don’t have what I need. I get to turn this around. My way of viewing the situation can be changed.

What I do know is that everything I see and experience is colored by my thoughts and beliefs. And all of it is in the One Mind. We are the rising energy of Spirit moving into expression through all manner of being. If I am that which is everything and the potential of everything, I have all I need.

The practice comes in fully realizing this truth in the midst of my experience. I get into to trouble when I run around in fear and try to make things happen. I interfere/interfear. I interject my fears into the One Mind and so that is what plays out for me.

I realize the truth by becoming silent and connecting to Spirit. I allow the Presence to take over so I can relax. When I relax and trust, I am open to Spirit’s inspirations and grace.

There are studies that show how a relaxed state of mind is conducive to solving problems because we are open to what is already there within the subconscious. Fear is restriction and restriction cuts off flow. Release the fear and the way through is made clear.

Another way to put this is, know the truth and then show the truth. The truth is that you do have all you need. I speak this as a reminder to myself. I treat and I trust. I know and I show. Spiritual Mind Treatment or affirmative prayer is a tool I use to shift my consciousness. But the main thing to do is to trust and let go. The answers are within. Everything we need comes from Spirit rising to the surface.

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