Monday, February 19, 2018

Let It Be

Photo by Foundry Co. on Pixabay

Whoever makes all cares into a single care, the care for simply being present, will be relieved of all cares by the Presence, which is the creative power.
~ Kabir Helminski

The Beatles may have come to mind when you saw the title to this blog. Their beautiful song "Let it Be" expresses the core of the wisdom tradition. We can relax and know all is well no matter what is going on around us. When we know this, when we let this be our truth, we take part in creating it as our experience.

Our greatest power comes in letting go. We set our intentions based on the desires in our heart, but then we let it be what it will. We hand it over to a power greater than us. We do this trusting the Presence has a greater perspective than we do.

Let it be is a phrase used in the Bible to express the idea of creative power. God says, let there be light, and there was. We have creative power, too. We speak our word and then let it be. As our desire rises and we speak it, it exists. There may be actions we need to take on the physical plane, but the power of creation is in knowing it is already done and so we just need to let it be.

There is a Buddhist tale where a monk meditating in his cell is confronted by a soldier who is pointing a gun at him. The monk doesn’t react and so the soldier gets angry and says, “You don’t understand. I have the power to take your life.” The monk responds with, “No, you don’t understand. I have the power to let you.”

This story shows us that we always have choice and the power to create our experience. We’ve been taught that we have no power over our experiences. The above scenario seems impossible to believe we would have power in it. But that’s where we must change our thinking.

To let something be is to trust our good which is always with us. I don’t have to do anything because my good is here and now. As I mentioned above, there may be steps to take on the physical plane, but our mindset, our heartset is one of non-interference. We are weavers not because we do something out there but because we weave the light of consciousness at the heart of Being.

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