The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
What would you like to experience in your life? Whether it’s
abundance, love or a successful career doing what you love, it all begins
The future enters into us as a desire. If we want that
desire to become an experience, we bring our attention to it by visualizing it,
affirming it as though it already exists and feeling how we would feel while
having the experience. We bring it to life with our imagination and our hearts.
But it takes a little more than imagination. In order to
bring the tomorrow of our dreams into our lives we must allow the desire to transform
and evolve. There is a certain amount of letting go involved in creating the life
we want.
Here’s one way I experienced this process. Last May, I found
out the building I lived in was being sold. It was actually already in escrow. There was only a week between finding out and getting a letter from the new
owners telling us our services as managers were no longer needed and our rent was going to be doubled. We had 60 days to move if
we couldn’t afford it. We couldn’t.
So, we had this unexpected life change upon us. It was such
a shock that at first I couldn’t act. I had to change the shock and fear into a
desire for a better place to live. I had wanted that anyway. The universe had
given me a nudge.
I went back to that desire and visualized and affirmed that
I had a great place to live. While doing this my husband and I researched
possibilities. Every avenue seemed to be blocked. Financially we weren’t ready
for this move.
At this point I just surrendered, trusting that my inner
work would guide me. It did. As I relaxed into it, the desire evolved and a
friend’s available house came to mind. But how could we afford it? That was
solved as well. A friend in the same building became a roommate.
We began to feel things were possible again. It was touch
and go for a while. We didn’t know if it would come about, but I continued to
trust. Then I remembered when I first saw the house I now call home. Our friend
gave us a tour when she first bought it. There’s a little nook up and behind
the master bedroom. My desire for the place began then. I wanted to experience
writing in that little nook. Years went by, but now that desire was the one
drawing me to the house.
The future entered me nearly 10 years ago when I saw the
nook. It had evolved and now joined the desire to have a nice, affordable place
to live. Knowing fully what I wanted, I completely surrendered. Two months to
the day of the call from our former landlord about selling the apartment
building, we were moved into the house with my writing nook. This is where I am
sitting now as I write this.
This future wasn’t just about a place to live. It was about becoming the writer I always wanted to be. Released from the old life of time consuming building management and maintenance I am now free to live the live I’ve always wanted.
This future wasn’t just about a place to live. It was about becoming the writer I always wanted to be. Released from the old life of time consuming building management and maintenance I am now free to live the live I’ve always wanted.
As the desire is transformed, so are we. Inspired we feel
the pull of our creation as it leads us to take the actions that will bring it
into form and surrender when needed. It may take hours, days, weeks, months or years depending on the
desire and our ability to allow the tomorrow of our dreams to come. But if we
trust the process and take the actions, tomorrow will arrive in the way we
dreamed…and often better.